The Road to Terry - 037 - Enneagram

“I think, therefore I am."

That pretty much sums up the personality test that I just received. I’ve been in therapy lately, and my therapist has requested that I take an Enneagram. If you don’t know what that is, I’ll let them define it.

The Enneagram is a personality system that aims to reveal how emotions drive our lives and how we engage with

others in an effort to get what we want and need. The Enneagram defines nine personality types, each with its

own set of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for personal growth.

So pretty much, it knows me. In my last post I detailed how misunderstood I may be. Welp, I see why I wrote that now.

Let’s cut to the chase. My results are that I am a Five. Fives believe that resources are limited and people are out to take them. For me that resource is energy. I used to believe one of those resources was money. I didn’t feel I needed to hoard money. I felt that people in my house were stealing it from me. Yet, I still budget like crazy. I haven’t always had the best money habits, so I’m new to that skill. My Five personality came in handy with that one. I researched the shit out of money management and created an ironclad plan. My family and my business are doing just fine.

That Five personality can also sabotage relationships. I like to put on my oxygen mask first. Therefore, I come off cold and unaware of peoples emotions. I also don’t share a lot of details of my life. That’s until I trust you well enough to be in my circle. I don’t like energy sucks.

I prefer to write my feelings instead of talk about them. Simply, I feel misunderstood when communicating. My speak in mind is as Yoda say he. That’s the way the words come out. People are like, “Huh?” Then I have to rephrase. Finally, I retract and figure out a new way to communicate. That’s why this blog is a good tool for me. It’s a great emotional expression. Probably more than I desire to say aloud. That’s the Five in me.

I took the test and got this information at: