The Road to Terry - 038 - I'm Becoming A Real Teacher

I started realizing my journey as an educator is blooming. I never thought that I’d be teaching my own class, getting involved with building leadership, and talking with district leaders. That work is pretty exhausting and rewarding. I’ve always had the dream to open my own school that takes a different model and approach to education. That goal doesn’t interfere with my ambition to spread “Music for the Underdog”. It just fits.

My belief is school is purely designed to churn out obedient workers. Since the industrial revolution we have been replacing obedient workers with machines. That has created jobs that require higher levels of though and complexity. Those jobs are few in number. Therefore, in order to prop up our society we will have to build schools that are designed for mastery of one’s unique abilities.

That doesn’t mean that everyone will suddenly become Missy Elliott and be known for songwriting, producing, and creativity. It means that everyone will be come extremely skilled in their specific niche and fill roles that are truly productive.

We won’t need people to make burgers, but if someone loved to do that there’s no reason why they couldn’t and carve out their own lane. Allow me to explain the concept.

My first skill was drawing. Under my model I would have been nurtured in K-5 to learn life’s operations. From tying my shoe to understanding the value of saving money. Along the way I would learn the social and emotional skills to cope everyday. I would still learn the basics, but they wouldn’t be the bulk of my day. A little writing, a little reading, a little math, and a lot of growth would be my experience.

Middle school would shift. Then I would be tested for my natural aptitudes. I would discover my Ikigai. What do I love to do, what will people pay me for, and what does the world need? If the world needs artist, what way do they need them and who will pay for artists? My math class would be math for artists. Perspective, shape, proportion, and geometry would lead my focus. Science will help me explore geology, the chemistry in my materials, and how I could involve nature in my work. Social Studies would help me understand art culture and the way art spreads around the world.

In high school, it would be all about finding my needs for higher education (if necessary), building lasting network and friendships, mastering my craft, and learning some adult skills like: taxes, investing, budgeting, shopping, and more. Everything people say they want to learn in high school that they don’t. The most important out of that list is mastery. Honing in on a skill for ten-thousand hours and it becoming you.

When my school does open, I’ll be nurturing some of the dopest human beings on the planet.