Is STEM a good option for you?

In reading about the industry recently, WordPlay T. Jay came across an article talking about STEM, which Frank Ocean uses to get paid, and the information called for a deeper dive.

STEM is a platform for distribution and data collection aimed at helping independent artists grow. However, there is an application process and the company seems to be looking for artists already somewhat established and generating some revenue.

The application process also asks for multiple data points and asks you questions about things like how you want STEM to help you grow.

STEM offers upload and distribution in as few as 5 days, master royalty splitting and payments, revenue and data tracking and monthly payments to artists. It takes a 10 percent cut of gross revenue in exchange for the service.

“That’s a small percentage, but there is that application process, and they are looking for artists with growth potential,” T. Jay said.

STEM says when using it, you do not need any third party for data, as it aggregates everything like Spotify and Pandora in together on its site, allowing you to analyze your data and see where you can best use investments and marketing.

STEM also offers a program called Scale, which is a money advance system similar to BeatBread. T. Jay looked into the terms and thinks, much like BeatBread, it may be beneficial on a lower scale, but doesn’t make as much sense for those making significant money and who know how to manage it.

STEM’s application process works on six-month cycles, so if you apply and do not get in, continue working to get higher revenue from streams and apply again.

For more on STEM, check out the video below!

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