A little Q&A with WordPlay T. Jay

Every few weeks, WordPlay T. Jay takes some time to help people on his YouTube channel and answer their questions in the comments, and this is another one of those weeks!

Q: LIL GAT FAS asked, “Can you use this same method. If someone drops a song that you feature on but you don’t like that song and don’t want it to show up on your profile.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrQGCSDMrq4)

A: You can try, but it's not very likely. Always when doing a feature ask for final approval before release. If you don't like the song, ask that they don't put it out. This is typically why I have features send me their mostly completed song first.

Q: Superfly Ky asked, “Great videos man, subscribed! I have a question though. I upload via Distrokid and I get the ISRC but how do I get the UPC code, you skipped that part of the form. Thanks in advance!!!” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCYnPax8zjM)

A: The UPC is also provided by Distrokid on the same page as the ISRC. It should be right above it.

Q: chuck Core said, “I need a two million dollar advance.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K79uU48lGx0)

A: I got $2 if you can find $999,998.00.

Q: Nonperial said, “What I think Spotify should do is have a "Are you still there?" message after an hour or 2. If the person doesn't reply it stays in pause until they reply. I think this will fix that problem. As far as Distrokid they removed my music and didn't give me a reason why. Landr how ever had reached out to me about a situation I told them I had no idea someone was looping my music. They immediately put my music back up. Landr at least showed they cared but Distrokid charged me for their services the next year after they removed me for no reason. I'm one of the artist that was affected like you said. So I don't stand for Distrokid I think they were trying to take money from artist. A lot of my friends that are also artist think the same way.”

A: I can see that being a working solution. As far as Distrokid, that's sucks. It's on them to get their customer service right. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEGipiStRcg)

R: Spotify just needs better engineers on their team to come up with a solution. I'm glad you at least agree with me on the method they should use to handle streams.

Q: WrathL asked, “How to submit my songs to Pandora? I ask that cause I’m signed up to Pandora and it didn’t go through” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvnyoRIqteA)

A: https://amp.pandora.com -- If they don't accept keep trying to submit new work.

Q: JBCOOL FROMTHEATL said, “Thanks word play! We independent artists will have to work together and form our own streaming platforms and take control of our own music and revenue. These executives take our money and live lavish lifestyles, send their spoiled ass kids to college, and enjoy the luxuries of life with our hard work and give us less than peanuts for our hard work. I'm tired of this junk!” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvXIJD71Fmw&t=294s)

A: We could do it, but we need organization, funding, and a lack of greed. The more people you add the to equation the less likely that will occur.

Q: IamNutzo asked, “How do you create the Metadata and what software you use to do do for both pc and Mac?” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvexmy5PeDU)

A: iTunes is what I use typically.

Q: SME DRO$E asked, “How you get photos added to ur panel & a videos section. I’m trying to do that right now !” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4svTN9RhS0)

A: Have articles, photos on your website, and photos on social media. But ONE IMPORTANT PART!!! they must be tagged with your name in the metadata. Don't upload any photos without adding your name somewhere to the file name or the metadata. On PC you can right click, hit properties, and then add critical information to the photo.

For more about these questions, check out the video below!