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More About The Book

Creators face extraordinary pressures to overcome hurdles and still make great work. The greatest obstacle is maintaining the mental fortitude to start something new. Anxiety can block a great mood and become a frequent burden that no one wants. The anxiety is a product of a primitive mind. Our fight or flight responses are not necessary for the creative process. Those feelings are overactive and cause us to shut down before we even begin.

In the Book You Will Find Out:

  • How To Put Yourself First to Be Creative

  • How To Build Your Courage to Finish and Release Work

  • How To Stay Consistent But Avoid Burnout

  • How To Meditate and Manage Anxiety

  • How To Ignore Opinions and Follow Your Inspiration

WordPlay T. Jay has learned to manage these caveman responses to develop a prolific career. His own battles with anxiety served as training. In this book, he will share these tools with you. Fake Blues are stirred up when we allow outside pressures to override our sense of self. When you understand the whispers in your mind aren’t real, you will be able to listen to your intuition. That voice is the best compass to guide you to a full-time creative life in the face of anxiety.