The Road to Terry - 054 - Pink Elephant

Is this a paradox? What is a paradox? It’s basically a contradiction. If you think of a pink elephant and I tell you to stop thinking about it; you trying will be your failure. Getting rid of the image of a pink elephant is difficult. Only because you try to get rid of it.

So what is my Pink Elephant? I guess it is this success. Now I’ve opened Pandora’s Box.

Why do I want success. A simple answer is to provide legacy and sustainable black wealth for my family in a way that is fulfilling to my talents. I could do that with a high paying job. Yet, something in me says, “you got something kid.” Therefore, I want to use it.

Back to the elephant in the room. I spend so much time trying that it’s difficult to even get there. I figured out how to get good sleep a long time ago. You just lie there and don’t worry about going to sleep. Eventually, your mind will take over and do its thing. Relent to your body. The same happened with my YouTube channel. I relaxed and the thought came to me one day. “Why don’t you just share the information you learn about music business with others?”, is what my mind said. I took that and started working. I didn’t worry about the outcome or plot how much money I can make from it. As a matter of fact, the LESS I think about money…the more it comes in. Crazy right?

I believe the name of the game is to simply BE. I keep trying to make a hit song, I keep trying to get my music out to the world, I keep trying to push new music, and that is causing me to do the unnecessary. In order to make a hit record, I need to realize there’s one in me and it’ll come out on its own. No need to force it out. I don’t need to MAKE my music career flourish, it will if I just relax and make songs. That’s the formula: Relax + Make Songs = Success. That doesn’t mean I won’t promote it; I just won’t worry about promoting it.

What is your pink elephant? Leave me a comment.